Finnish Open 2012
Dear Archers!
Päätimme jatkaa Finnish Open kilpailun ilmoittautumisaikaa 20.07. saakka, jotta myös EBHC 2012 jälkeen kisapäätöksiä tekevät ampujat ehtivät mukaan.
Osallistumismaksu on edelleen 30 € ,juniorit ja minit 20 €
We have a pleasure to invite you to the first Finnish Open 3D- Championship on August 4-5, 2012 in beautiful and challenging forests of Siuntio. We hope you will enjoy with us and like the beautiful scene our country offers.
This competition is open for all classes. We shoot according to IFAA- rules during two days. On Saturday we shoot 3D Animal round (3 arrows) and on Sunday 3D Standard round (2 arrows).
The venue in Rantasipi Siuntion Kylpylä (Welware Center in Siuntio) locates about 40 kilometres west from Helsinki. The course is in the same forest where EFAC was held year 2006. The hotel, restaurants, SPA- services and offices locate in the middle of the center. The accommodation costs are reasonable for everybody. The price 48 euros include also breakfast and SPA- services.
You are welcome to Finland!
Finnish Field Archery association, FFAA, Organizers